In the final years of the 20th century, Cartoon Network in 1998 launched a fabulous trio of super-powered little girls, constantly on a mission to save the world from monsters, mad scientists aliens and a host of downright baddies! Launched as the Powerpuff Girls, viewers had never seen kindergarten-aged girls save the day and reign down justice, a uniqueness that soon developed into a serious fan following! Audiences got to see Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup as they soared above their hometown of Townsville in some seriously bright colored outfits, fighting crime in their signature green, pink and blue, and looking stylish! Join Beast Kingdoms Entertainment Experience Brand, with a pair of D-Stage Powerpuff Girls dioramas with some serious flair. 360 degrees of detailed design is matched with meticulous coloring, making the world of the crime-fighting girls pop! Two unique scene renditions from the animation series are perfectly condensed to 6-inch collectable wonders that will bring joy to any fans desk! For this series of Powerfuff Girl D-Stage dioramas, fans have a choice of two versions, providing collectors with more options. Regular Version: A high quality set, which cannot be disassembled and is packaged in a transparent box. Colored Box Version: A high quality set, which is dissembled, shrink-wrapped and packaged in a colored box. Assembly is required. ?Diorama Stage-095-The Powerpuff Girls- The Day Is Saved?Sugar, spice and everything nice! Flavors that are sure to wet any appetite, but for these girls one thing was missing before they turned into superheroes, and that was the secret ingredient: Chemical X! With Professor Utonium accidently adding the last ingredient, the trio of powered girls were born!In the diorama, flying powers, super strength and a dash of cuteness gives the girls their distinct look. The uniquely colored streaks also distinguishes each hero, with the base showing the chemical vat that they all fly out of! A perfect set for collectors to show off the creation of the girls!
Number of Pieces: 1
Weight: .39 pounds
Maximum Height: 6 inches
Indoor/Outdoor: Indoor
Material: ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene)
Battery: No Battery Used